ICU Medico-Legal
I have almost 30 years experience of working as a doctor. As well as Intensive Care Medicine, I have worked in general internal medicine and anaesthesia.
I am an experienced expert and have been instructed in cases reaching the High Court, Court of Protection, Coroner’s Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.
I have experience of giving oral evidence in Court, including ‘hot-tubbing’.
My expert witness work is approximately 40% Claimant, 40% Defendant, 20% Single Joint Expert.
- First tier expert of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL)
- Fellow of Academy of Experts
- Fellow of the Faculty of Expert Witnesses
- Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA)
Areas of Expertise:
- Adult General Intensive Care Medicine
- Deteriorating adult patient
- Sepsis, including sepsis following elective surgery, and necrotising fasciitis
- ‘Track and trigger’ / Early Warning Scores (MEWS/NEWS)
- Serious medical treatment (Court of Protection)
- Best interests (Court of Protection)
- Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)
Costs and Timescale for report
I’m happy to discuss a potential instruction on the phone without cost.
I accept instructions for Court of Protection, Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury. Please contact via pa@intensivecarespecialists.co.uk or 01962 360052 for a quote.
Finished reports usually take up to 8 weeks from receipt of formal instructions. However, depending on the needs of the Court, I can produce a report within a few days if required in time critical situations.
I am prepared to work pro bono in some circumstances. Please contact me to discuss your case.
Among other solicitors, I have received instructions from: